
Heart of the Kingdom
by Alex

Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Elrond/Gil-galad, Erestor/Gil-galad
Summary: Erestor is in love.

Beta: Larian Elensar
Spoilers: For the Silmarillion, yes.

Notes: This one can be considered the sequel to Refuge for a King. In the Silmarillion, Annatar is turned away by Gil-galad. In this story, he is invited in briefly.

Note from the Archivist: An illustration for this story by Leanan can be found in the FanArt section.

c. 500 SA

Erestor was surprised when Elrond bounded into his room.

"Guess what?"

Erestor knew from the look on his face that it had something to do with Ereinion. Elrond was enamored of the King and had been ever since he was very young and had come to live with Círdan. Elrond spent every moment he could in the presence of the king, especially since his twin had chosen to become Edain and had died some years before an old man while Elrond was still a very young elf. He seemed to have almost put the King in the place of his family.

Erestor was also enamored of the King, but no one knew that. It was a secret he carried near to his heart, not even telling his best friend.

"What?" He smiled, trying to be excited for Elrond and fearing what he would hear.

"He... oh, Erestor... we finally... OH, Erestor!"

Erestor wanted to scream and run away. He didn't want to know any more but he knew that Elrond would tell him. He had told him every detail so far, never noticing the wistful look on Erestor's face.

Elrond began his tale, telling his friend of the kisses, of how the king had caressed him through his robes, of how he had finally slipped the robes off and even unlaced Elrond's leggings, touching his aroused body with hands at first.

Erestor's shaft hardened at Elrond's words; he couldn't help it. The mental image of his king touching his own body made him almost moan. He bit his lip and listened as Elrond told him more, about how they lay in the big bed in the King's chambers and how Ereinion's mouth felt on him.

"I spilled my seed in his mouth, Erestor, and he swallowed it... I almost did it again just feeling his throat close around me." Elrond's eyes glowed with happiness.

Erestor wanted to scream, he wanted to touch himself... he wanted... he wanted Gil-galad!

He listened to Elrond gush. He smiled and nodded and acted as if he were thrilled, while his heart ached.

Gil-galad was very fond of Elrond. He supposed love was a word that would work to describe how he felt. The Peredhel was lovely and so enthusiastic in every way.

His real passion, though, was the Noldor people. He took the safety of the firstborn as his mission. He hoped that Elrond would understand this and realize that the way to best serve him was to serve the Noldor people. Since his youth, Gil-galad's life had not been his own. He did not foresee that changing.

He rose from his bed and cleaned himself with the bowl and pitcher set there for that very purpose. He braided his hair and left his room for his office. He was expecting word from Círdan on the coast. Things were quiet right now but that was not likely to hold. Sometimes he could feel the darkness looming.

He read the scrolls and missives that had been placed on his desk since he had gone to bed last night. There was little news, which was a good thing. He called for his scribe and smiled at the slender dark-haired elf who came to his summons.

"Good morning, Erestor. Are you well today?"

Erestor said little, just nodded. Gil-galad could never figure the quiet elf out. He was the most efficient of the scribes and the quietest, yet he sensed a deep passion in the lovely elf. Maybe someday, he would be able to unravel it.

He turned his attention to the morning's missives.

In his waiting place, evil stirred from his slumber. He knew what he desired. To serve his master, who was forever imprisoned. And to that end he began to plan.

c. 1000 SA

Elrond and Erestor drank their wine as they gazed out into the courtyard.

"Have you noticed how he acts lately? I fear that he is becoming restless and I am not sure why. Do you think it could be me?" Elrond still sounded like an elfling sometimes. He loved the king but would never feel secure in that love.

"He has much on his mind, my friend. We have word that evil is growing. He worries and frets for Lindon, for Middle Earth. I cannot see how he would find anything lacking in you. You are most devoted."

Elrond's head turned sharply to see if the last was said with sarcasm but he saw nothing but sincerity in his friend's face.

Erestor was a mystery to him even though they had known each other for such a long time. He wondered if his friend loved, if he longed for love. He certainly was one of the most comely elves in Lindon and did not lack for interest. It was said that the newly arrived Lord Glorfindel himself had asked about paying court to Erestor but was met with the same distant smile that all the others had gotten.

"Do you believe that we will go to war again?" Erestor was not comfortable talking about himself. He had guarded his secret all these many, many years. He would not reveal it now, and he would never hurt Elrond.

They talked of the rumors of a fortress being built. There were also rumors of an increase in the number of Orcs and fell beasts about. None dared to say the name of the one they believed to be responsible. None dared for fear that uttering the name would make it so.

Gil-galad needed Elrond, desperately. The panic was setting in. He never told anyone how much he feared being left by all those he loved like he had when he was young, before he had come to live with Círdan. He had searched all over the palace looking for his young lover.

Gil-galad, High King of the Noldor, was afraid of being alone.

"Ereinion? You were looking for me?"

It was all the king could do not to sob as he pulled the slender Peredhel into his arms. His kiss was passionate as he pushed Elrond toward the doors to his apartments. By the time they were inside the doors, his hands were inside Elrond's robes. Elrond moaned as one hand played with his chest while the other rubbed him to hardness through the fabric of his leggings.

He was glad Elrond seemed to understand him well enough not to ask a lot of questions. He pressed the young elf toward the huge bed on the other side of the room and worked the lacings on his leggings as he did so. By the time he pushed him onto the bed, Elrond's leggings were ready to slide down and off and his robe was lying open from the neck all the way down.

"By the Valar, you are beautiful, my little one."

Erestor went to the King's apartments to deliver the letter he had written for him. It was a note to Lord Celeborn in Eregion, a note cautioning the Lord and Lady to view any newcomers with something less than trust.

He stopped when he heard Elrond's voice raised in passion. His heart pounded and his face burned. He did not turn away though, instead standing there imagining what they did. He could almost feel that long rangy body touch his own, feel the king fill him. He bit his lip to stop his cries as he realized that he was standing in the hall where anyone could see him.

Erestor wanted to leave but he was rooted to the spot. He heard the King cry out, felt his own knees weaken at the muffled cries of pleasure. He backed up to rest against the wall, standing there until he felt a little steadier.

He wished for one night of love with the king, one night... that is all he wanted.

The fortress of Mordor began to take shape. Sauron watched, smiling in satisfaction. It was good.

c. 1200 SA

The gorgeous blond smiled at Elrond. He almost glowed. Elrond had never seen anyone so completely perfect.

"Annatar, the King will be back soon. He is inspecting some new weaponry that has just been delivered. I have sent for him."

"I have gifts and skills to impart to his people and to his Highness. I am pleased to be able to serve you."

Elrond felt like he needed a bath but he could not say why. He was glad when Gil-galad and Erestor entered the room. He introduced the visitor and was relieved when both elves looked as uncomfortable as he felt.

"Our guest offers his services, Sire. He says he has many skills and gifts for us."

The king motioned for him to speak and he listened patiently to the recitation from the lovely creature. Elrond noticed odd little things about his speech, like it had been tailored to include things that were important to Gil-galad, just as it had included things important to him when Annatar had talked to him.

"Erestor, will you show our guest to his room? I am sure he is tired and would like a tray sent to his room tonight." With that, King Gil-galad dismissed him.

"Erestor, is it? Thank you for your kindness." Erestor knew there was something strange about the elf but he had never seen one more beautiful either. "Would you come in and share a glass of wine with me?"

Erestor nodded, feeling a bit odd but he decided that perhaps he could find out a little about the stranger. He took the glass when poured and nodded to Annatar. The blond didn't say much, asked Erestor questions about Lindon and the way they did things. He felt as if he were being skillfully grilled for information.

"I think you are lonely here. I can see that Elrond is in love with the king." Annatar looked into his eyes with kindness and something more.

Erestor felt himself wanting to tell the handsome stranger just how lonely it was watching the one he loved go to his chamber with another every night. He said nothing but he did not back away when a cool hand touched his cheek, and then drew away.

"How long have you loved him?"

Erestor looked into those deep blue eyes. He wanted that hand to touch him again.

"Too long."

"And you've been alone?" The voice was like velvet. Annatar touched his face again, running a finger over Erestor's lips.

"Yes." Erestor's voice came out a whisper.

"I would never leave you lonely." He pulled away from a reluctant Erestor.

Annatar noticed the chessboard. "Do you play?"

Chess was Erestor's one passion. He nodded, his mind still reeling from the conversation he had just had.

"Shall we?"

Again, the quiet scribe nodded and sat down opposite Annatar to set up the board. They played... one game, then another.

"Perhaps a little wager would be in order?" Annatar smiled that smile that made Erestor's stomach quiver.

"What shall we wager? I have little of value."

"Maybe the winner could choose?"

Erestor agreed, still not sure what he would have to offer the traveling elf. It was enough for him to play some more. He liked to play with another good player and he liked to win. He did not win this last game though, not even close. He was confused by how badly he lost and was so busy contemplating how he had been beaten that he almost missed what Annatar asked for.

"I would like your companionship for the night, Erestor. I find myself quite alone here and you are most...attractive and attentive."

His heart pounded at those words. His body responded. Annatar touched him again, pulling him to his feet and taking him into his arms. Erestor said nothing. He was no virgin but he had very few partners and had not shared himself with anyone in quite a while. He smiled and nodded, grateful not to have to spend the night alone. Annatar blew out the lights and led Erestor to the bed.

Erestor dreamed of Gil-galad and a wall of fire. He saw the fire coming and kept screaming for the king to run, to get away from it. He woke with a gasp and saw Annatar standing by the window. The elf turned his head and Erestor saw his eyes. They glowed as red as the fire in his dream. He stifled a scream and lay back down, not moving until morning allowed him to go to begin his duties.

He had an early morning meeting with the king and Elrond. He wondered if they could see how red his skin was. He had scrubbed himself until he was raw all over trying to get the smell of Annatar from his skin.

He was paying very little attention to what was said until the king finally said to him, "What do you think of our visitor?"

"I... I want him gone. He is... there is something wrong with him." He shivered and wrapped his arms around himself, an action not missed by either Gil-galad or Elrond.

"We were thinking the same thing." Gil-galad poured himself a cup of tea and sat on his desk. "Are you all right, Erestor?"

Erestor wanted nothing more than to throw himself into Gil-galad's arms and confess what he had done. He wanted absolution; he wanted to be told that everything would be all right. But of course, he could not ask for such.

Erestor never knew what happened but Annatar was gone before the noon hour of that very day and they all pretended that he had never been there at all.

1375, SA

Gil-galad threw the letter onto the table and looked up at Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel and all his counselors.

"Annatar talked Celebrimbor and those damned jewel smiths into deposing them. Celebrimbor and the Gwaith-i-Mírdain are now running Eregion. Galadriel took Celebrían and fled to Lothlórien. Celeborn said he did not want to pass through Khazad-dûm and stayed, but I suspect he stayed out of duty as much as anything else. He sent the missive."

He looked at each of the somber faces around the table.

"It has begun, my friends. I do not know who he is exactly but I am sure that this Annatar is the one who is responsible for this atrocity. It bodes ill for Eregion and for us all."

"What do we do?" Elrond had always liked the quiet Lord of Eregion and wished him well.

"We wait and watch. He will reveal himself eventually. Lord Celeborn will let us know what is happening."

Erestor surprised them all. "I suggest we begin to arm ourselves and be ready to go to war. He is evil and must be stopped." It was only when he slammed his fist on the table that he realized he was talking out loud. He blushed and sat down.

Gil-galad studied him for a long moment then smoothly moved to the next topic.

Elrond lay in the king's arms. They both were still breathless from their lovemaking. He looked up into Ereinion's grey eyes and what he saw was worry.

"What is wrong, my lord?"

"I worry for Eregion and I worry for Erestor. He was more upset than I have seen him since Annatar stayed with us that one night. Do you think he knows more than he is telling?"

"I am sure he does, but I am just as sure that nothing could drag from him anything he doesn't want to say."

Gil-galad laughed. "You are right. I used to think he was mousy and scared but I realize sometimes how strong he is, how much of my burden he bears so I can take care of public details. I do not know what I would do without the two of you." He smoothed Elrond's hair back and kissed his cheek.

c. 1600 SA

He had finished his masterwork. He held it in the palm of his hand. It was simple and elegant. He slipped it on his finger and felt pleasure more sublime than any orgasm rock his body.


The One Ring of Power.

Erestor felt pain shoot through his body, doubling him over. Elrond and Glorfindel ran to him, catching him as he fell to the floor. They carried him to the healer's rooms and laid him on one of the empty cots.

A few minutes later, before the healer had a chance to do any more than loosen his clothes and listen to his heartbeat, Erestor woke. He sat straight up and gasped one name.


1695-1697 SA

The world had changed and war had come to them again. Erestor trained for it this time. Glorfindel had molded both him and Elrond into formidable warriors. Thought neither were as big and powerful as Glorfindel or Gil-galad, both were swift and deadly in their own right.

Erestor wanted to go to Eregion with Elrond.

"I need you here. I cannot run Lindon with both of you away," Gil-galad told him the day before Elrond rode out with his army.

Erestor stayed. His love for Ereinion had never wavered, though he had never confessed it to anyone either. He was at the king's side to aid in any way he could. The evening after Elrond rode out, the king called for Erestor to join him. They sat at the long table alone. Erestor thought he had never seen Ereinion look so forlorn. Both of them picked their dinner, a fine venison roast with potatoes and fresh greens.

"Sire, I am sure he will be well. He is a capable warrior and an excellent leader. He will not move foolishly." Erestor longed to touch the king, to smooth back a lock of stray hair and to run his fingers over the furrows in his brow.

"I am sure too, but I worry. It is a heavy burden to send an army out, knowing that you send some to their death. It is a heavier burden sending out your friends and those dear to you. "

Erestor vowed to himself to make Gil-galad's burden as light as he could. He took many of the burdens of the kingdom onto his own shoulders. He ran the palace and grounds alone. He consulted with Glorfindel and made sure the army was adequately supplied and ready to go. He made sure that the underground food stores were as full as possible in case of a siege that would prevent contact with the outside.

He longed to go to Gil-galad in the dead of night and offer him his love. But he dared not be so bold. He knew his heart would surely break if the object of his deep esteem and love rejected him and that he would surely fade.

Word began to come in. Celeborn had held Sauron's army off as long as he could and he had retreated back until he met Elrond's army. Together, they turned again toward Eregion, Celeborn and his army of refugees and Elrond and his army from Lindon.

Elrond would never in his immortal life forget what they saw when they met with Sauron's army outside Ost-in-Edhil. Celebrimbor was the banner they carried. They had killed him upon the steps of the Hall of Jewel smiths. They stripped him naked and mutilated his body then hung it upon a pole and carried it as a banner into war.

The pain that crossed Celeborn's face told him that Celebrimbor had been a friend to the deposed Lord and that his passing would be mourned along with the awful price he had paid for his betrayal for many, many years.

They would have lost but for reinforcements led by Amroth and the dwarves. As it was, Eregion fell to the dark Lord.

And Elrond was cut off from home.

He wandered through the region and finally found a beautiful valley hidden from all. He decided to build a refuge there for all the peoples of Middle Earth who sought to escape the coming darkness and be free to live as they wanted to do.

He called it Imladris.

"He can't get back here yet. Sauron sits between him and us. His letter says he is building a home in a hidden valley, a refuge."

Gil-galad sagged with relief at the news.

"I could not bear to think I had sent him to his death. What about Lord Celeborn?"

"He is safe with Elrond. They took many losses and S...Sauron killed Celebrimbor and mutilated his body. They used him for their battle flag."

Gil-galad put his hand over his face.

"Erestor, where will it all end? Will we ever defeat him?"

Erestor put his hand on the king's shoulder, offering comfort as best he could.

"We will, Sire. We have no choice."

Gil-galad looked at the dark-haired elf. How like Erestor to say that. He sometimes wondered just where his most trusted advisor came from. He did not know. No one really did, it seemed. He had asked Elrond and others. Erestor just was. He put his hand up over Erestor's.

"I wish I had your faith, Erestor."

"It is not faith but more... knowing what we must do."

1699, SA

The war came to them soon enough when Sauron marched on Lindon.

"They come. We are out numbered even though he does fight a two front war. His numbers alone will defeat us, Erestor."

Erestor looked at the map laid out on the table.

"I know, my king, but we have no choice but fight. Elrond fights to save his home and give us a chance and we fight to save our own home and give him a chance."

"Is this the end of all things then, my friend? Do you think all that have fallen have felt this same way?"

Erestor had never seen the king so agitated and so... frightened. He did not know what to do but he knew he should do something.

"Shall I make some tea?" He felt like an idiot but he could think of nothing else to do.

Gil-galad smiled. "Yes. I would like that very much."

A few minutes later, they sat and sipped tea. It seemed so odd that they would get up tomorrow, put on their battle armor and go to war, maybe to their own deaths. But now they both sipped tea from Erestor's best china.

"I hope that Elrond is safe." Erestor was surprised to hear himself bring up Elrond to the king. "I worry for him and miss him."

Gil-galad smiled and stared into his teacup. "I miss him. I wish..." He paused and looked up at Erestor. "Have you ever been in love?

Erestor blushed and nodded shyly.

"Elrond, he loves me but I am—I do love him but I am not in love with him. Once, a long, long time I was in love. But he was killed. I... I am King. I must always put my people first." He looked up at Erestor. "Who did you love?"

"He... did not love me in the way I loved him."

Gil-galad looked up suddenly and said nothing for a moment. Then he spoke, saying words that seemed to surprise him as much as they did Erestor.

"I know that we do not have beloved ones here with us but this may be our last night before we are sent Mandos' Halls. I do not want to be alone tonight."

Erestor never had any choice at all. He could not deny the king.

"Nor do I," he answered when he finally found his voice.

King Gil-galad rose from his seat and held out his hand.

They left their teacups sitting as they made their way to the king's bedchamber. Erestor's heart was beating so hard that he thought perhaps Gil-galad could hear it as they entered the darkened room. Gil-galad lit only one small lamp. He turned and again held his hand out for Erestor's.

"You are trembling, Erestor."

"You are my king. I am nervous, Sire."

"Please, I am not your king tonight. Grant me one boon. Call me Ereinion. I have not heard that name in many a year."

"Yes, Ereinion." His voice was merely a whisper.

The kiss took Erestor's breath away. Ereinion's lips were soft but his kiss was hungry and demanding. Erestor parted his own lips and sighed when the king's tongue slipped into his mouth. He leaned his body against Ereinion's taller one and felt the hard length of the king's erection against his stomach. He felt so right in Erestor's arms.

Ereinion unfastened Erestor's robes and pushed them back over his shoulders, letting them drop to the floor behind him. Erestor made a sound as Ereinion ran his hands over his chest as his kisses changed to little nibbling kisses placed on his lips, his cheeks, even the end of his nose.

The king smiled as pale slender arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him close again. They broke apart only to breathe. Erestor reached up and removed the circlet from Ereinion's head, placing it reverently on the table beside the bed. He then began to work on the layers of robes that the king wore, his hands quick despite their trembling. When they were both naked from the waist up, he reached up and freed his own raven hair from its braids.

"Make me yours, my king, my Ereinion," he whispered, his voice so soft that only keen elven ears could have understood him.

Gil-galad backed him up to the soft bed and pressed him back upon it, leaning down to kiss his mouth before raining kisses all over his chest and then onto his leggings. Erestor's breath hitched when he felt warm breath through his leggings. He tried to reach down to unlace them, to free himself but Gil-galad stopped him with one hand while unlacing him with the other.

His heated flesh was exposed to the king. He would have blushed except for the look in Ereinion's eyes. He had never felt adored as he did now.

"You are a feast for the eyes, my Erestor." He smiled and dipped his head to kiss low on Erestor's torso, letting his tongue linger on pale skin until Erestor moved his hips, urging the king to kiss closer to his achy, hard cock.

He did, letting his tongue drag through the dark curls around the base, then gently sliding it up the throbbing underside. Erestor whimpered and writhed, much to Gil-galad's delight.

"That's it, let go..." Gil-galad murmured. He took Erestor into his mouth, licking him at the same time he sucked. He didn't let up nor did he stop until Erestor's semen filled his mouth.

Erestor was a little embarrassed that he had come so quickly but nothing could take away from the fact that he was here in the king's bed and in the king's arms. He shivered as he watched Ereinion stand to remove his leggings. When Gil-galad started to turn him onto his side he shook his head.

"I need to see you, my king."

Gil-galad nodded. He reached for the sweet almond oil by the bed, readying Erestor with gentle fingers. Soon the fingers were not enough for either of them and they were replaced with Gil-galad's more substantial arousal. His grey eyes darkened to near black as he moved within the scribe. Erestor wrapped his legs around his lover's hips and bucked his own hips up, rubbing against Gil-galad's stomach.

Erestor reached up to touch the king's face, when Gil-galad turned his head to kiss Erestor's palm. The kiss almost brought tears to Erestor's eyes, a gesture of affection that meant more to him than he could have explained.

Gil-galad rode him at a slow, steady pace, looking deeply into his eyes. It was not lost on Erestor that this could be the last night that either of them lived. So many thoughts flitted through his mind though none lingered for long. For once in his life, he gave himself over to sensation, to emotion. He let his soul fly free.

"I love you, Ereinion."

He saw that the king had heard him, saw the tiny acknowledgment in the king's eyes, felt the tension rise in his body. The words had provided the impetus the sent Gil-galad into ecstasy. He pressed deep, his thrusts erratic, and finally found his release. Erestor's seed filled the space between them, his cries echoing Gil-galad's.

They lay in the aftermath, quiet, thoughtful. Erestor started to get up, to dress and go to his own rooms.

"Stay with me, I don't know what the future will bring but I don't want to be alone tonight."

Wordlessly, Erestor lay back down in his embrace. Before he fell asleep, Erestor decided that he would never leave his love as long they both lived. Unbidden, he gave his heart to his king. It would never belong to another, no matter what.

No matter what the future held.

The End

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The characters belong to the estate of J.R.R. Tolkien and New Line Cinema. No profit is being made by the authors or the archivist and no disrespect is intented.

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