
When The Night Falls
by Danielle

Rating: PG
Pairing: Elrond/Gil-galad
Summary: Conversations and contemplations on relationships in the Second Age.

Feedback: Yes please

"I always think of you when the night falls, you know."

"Oh really?"

"Mmm hmm. I can't explain it in beautiful words, like you could, but the night reminds me of you." He smiled a reminiscent smile. "Perhaps it is because you are a star -- my star -- my star of radiance."

"I love you."

"And I love you, and it is with the utmost love that I ask you to be silent and let me muse."

"Of course, Peredhel. Continue, then."

"Even when you're gone, or rather, not in my arms, I feel your presence. Only when it is night time, though. The days lately have been busy and have, against my will, succeeded in keeping my mind on other things.

"But the night, my love, is yours and yours alone. It matters not what is happening, or who I'm with -- my mind is a circle, always coming back to you." He turned suddenly from the balcony to face his lover. "Your image haunts me, whether you're here or no."

"Come to me..."

"I hear the want in your voice, and my body would have me respond immediately. But my mind would have me continue." He frowned. "I would have our union be not only of the body, but of the mind and soul as well."

"It is."

"But is it?" He shakes his head. "No, that union comes only from marriage! My soul yearns for that bond, and it seeks out your soul as well. My mind tells me that it is not wise to even speak of such a thing! Me, marrying the High King! Such a silly notion."

"Not silly at all, melanin."

"Please, I beg for your silence, my lord." He took a deep breath here. "With the three elements of myself at war -- that is, the disagreement of my body, mind, and soul -- I am terribly confused." A tear slipped down his cheek. "I know not what to do and it is tearing me apart! I cannot continue to cleave to you in this, and yet I cannot continue not to!"

"Come here." He moved to his lover, who took his hands. "If you desire it so, we shall be married as soon as we can. Think not that I have given this little thought. Our marriage shall be witnessed by Círdan the Shipwright and your companion Glorfindel."

His eyes teared up and he looked away. "My mind still speaks to me, and tells me that no good shall come from this war, even if the Evil is defeated. It - it tells me that we might not be able to celebrate this war's end together! And that brings me unspeakable sadness."

"Worry not on it. If you live in the future as such, you cannot enjoy the present. We need to enjoy all the time we have now, taking everything one day at a time. Remember that I will always love you, my Peredhel, until the day Arda collapses."

"And I you, my Ereinion."

The End

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